An Opportunity To Love
Just before going to bed Sunday night Bishop Gogo told me that tomorrow we would be going to speak at the Busamaga Secondary School which is close to his home. This is the only secondary school in the immediate area. It is a community school which means that the government does not support them. They have to raise their own support, which is very hard since they are a new school which is not recognized by the government because they don’t yet meet the minimum government standards. They are hoping for the government to pick up the school in the near future, but right now they are on their own.
The students are supposed to pay 100,000 shillings a term and there are 3 terms in a year which is about $120.00 US dollars for a whole year. Right now, some of their students don’t even have that much but they try not to turn them away. They have a great group of 23 teachers that teach each week for very little or no pay. They are lucky that they have a couple of really good buildings to have their school in. Please pray for them that The Lord would provide not only money but books and supplies, as well.
We had a great time with some of the staff and the time with the students was a lot of fun. Whenever I get a chance to speak to a bunch of kids at a school it’s always a blessing. This was even more so since it was a small group of older high school age young people. When I look into their faces, I see all the hopes for their country there. These are the ones that can change Uganda into a great country. Uganda is called the Pearl of Africa. Right now, that pearl is still hidden in a shell, but with new leaders that are being led by the Holy Spirit, that pearl can be brought forth and become not only the Pearl of Africa but perhaps the Pearl of the whole world. I think so many times about the story that Jesus tells of the pearl of great price. I think that story fits Uganda and what all He has done and is doing to claim this pearl for His very own.
If anyone is looking to visit Africa for a couple weeks or months and would like to help teach some wonderful kids, here is a great place to start. Their school year goes thru what the US calls summer. They are still in school for May through September so it would make a great summer trip for a teacher or someone studying to be a teacher.
The school is at the foot of Mt. Elgon just outside of Mbale so it’s easy to get to and in a very safe and beautiful area. It’s not too far out but not in a big city. If I’m not here, Bishop Gogo would love to have some people stay with him and would help make all the arrangements. He would help take care of you and show you around the area.
If any one would like any more information just let me know and I’ll fix you up. It’s one of those things that will change your life. So there you go, a shameless plug for the people that I’ve come to love.